Author Archives: Alexandra LITTAYE

Gyokuro tea

Gyokuro tea

Gyokuro is one of the most sophisticated tea types in the world. Its name translates from Japanese as “jade dew”, and is one of the most celebrated tea types in Japan! Let us learn more about this extraodinary tea! History and production  Gyokuro tea was first discovered by the owner of Yamatoyama tea company in […]

10 Main Sencha tea benefits

Sencha tea health benefits

Sencha Green Tea is exquisite in many respects. It has an interesting history, charming traditions associated with it, a unique production technique and, most importantly, a great deal of health benefits. Let us discover Sencha tea benefits together! 1. It contains a lot of antioxidants Like many tea types, especially when it comes to Loose […]

Japanese Sencha Green Tea

Japanese Sencha Green tea

Japanese Sencha Green tea is one of the most refined tea types! It has a wonderful history, an extraordinary taste and a number of health benefits! Let us learn more about Japanese Sencha Green Tea!  Sencha tea types As mentioned earlier, there are quite a few types of Sencha Tea. First of all, most Sencha […]

Oolong Tea

Oolong tea tasting

Oolong tea is one of the most famous and original types of Loose Chinese Green tea. It is known for its extraordinary production process, taste and the traditions associated with it. Let us discover Oolong Tea!  What is Oolong Tea? Oolong tea is the only semi-oxidised type of Chinese Green Tea. In fact, its production […]

6 Greatest Gunpowder Tea Health Benefits

Gunpowder tea

Gunpowder is an extraordinary tea! In addition to having a very interesting history and a unique production technique, it also boasts great health benefits! Let us discover 6 greatest Gunpowder tea health benefits together. 1. It is full of antioxidants. As mentioned above, thanks to the rolling technique used for producing this extraordinary tea type, Gunpowder […]