Author Archives: Alexandra LITTAYE

Tea merchants in Britain

Tea merchants in Britain

By the end of the 19th century, when tea became more affordable, many tea merchants emerged in Britain. Consequently, many tea brands appeared in this country   Lipton. The ‘yellow label’ brand One cannot refer to English tea without mentioning Lipton. This British tea merchant is world-famous. Everyone would recognise a yellow label tea bag.  […]

The history of tea in Britain

The history of tea in Britain

We can’t talk about tea without mentioning Great Britain, and especially its tea tasting traditions. Britain is not a tea-producing country, but the English are great tea addicts. Therefore, their influence in the tea industry around the world is remarkable. Let us discover the history of tea in Britain.  Tea in Britain. Early history.  In […]

Tea ceremonies in Japan. Cha no Yu.

Tea ceremonies Japan

Tea tasting traditions in Japan.  The Japanese hold green tea in great awe! Not only do they drink it, but also they include it in their cuisine. There are a huge number of dishes, especially desserts that contain green tea. What is more, the Japanese do not always drink green tea hot or warm. They […]

Tea in Japan. History

HIstory Tea in Japan

Japan is the motherland of the world’s most sophisticated tea! Feel free to discover the history of tea in Japan! The history of tea in Japan began in the 10th century A.D.. Japanese buddhist monks took a great interest in the miraculous drink that their Chinese peers enjoyed so much. The Chinese monks were flattered […]

Tea in Ceylon

Tea plantation

Tea in Ceylon. A little bit of history. As well as in India, it was the English who introduced tea traditions in Ceylon. Before the 18th century, Ceylon was famous for its coffee. However, a pathogen destroyed many coffee trees back then. Therefore, the English decided to plant several tea trees there, mostly camelia sinensis […]

7 tips to make your tea tasting even more enjoyable

Tea tasting

Bedford tea offers our customers the best loose leaf tea in the UK! Our very fine tea is enjoyable as it is. However, there are still tips to make your tea tasting even more enjoyable! As the saying has it, everything we like is either illegal, immoral or fattening! Well, it might be possible to […]

Tea production from leaf to cup

Tea production from leaf to cup

Bedford tea is pleased to offer the world’s finest to our clients in the UK! Tea has always been greatly appreciated in Britain! Therefore, our customers would probably be delighted to learn how tea is produced. Please feel free to discover the process step by step.  The journey of tea from leaf to cup begins […]