Organic Rooibos Tea

Organic Green Rooibos Tea


Organic Rooibos Tea

Organic Rooibos Tea


Organic Rooibos Tea

Like Herbal tea, Rooibos tea does not contain any theine. However, its taste is more reminiscent of black tea, because of its natural richness. Rooibos tea contains a number of health benefits. For example, it is rich in vitamin C, as well as polyphenols, which are great antioxidants. Organic Rooibos tea boasts yet another asset in terms of healthiness. As the name betrays it, this tea type contains solely organic ingredients

Rooibos tea originates from the Western Cape province in South Africa, hence its name that translates as ‘red bush’ from African languages. This type of tea undergoes oxidation, just like black tea. That is why its taste is so rich and full-bodied. However, there is another type of rooibos tea: Green Rooibos Tea, which does not undergo oxidation. As in case with other types of tea, the Rooibos tea that is oxidised (fermented) resembles black tea. On the other hand, the unoxidised type of Rooibos tea remains green. Green Rooibos tea is more rare than its red peer, and therefore more precious.

In our collection of Organic Rooibos Tea we have both Organic Rooibos Tea (red) and Organic Green Rooibos Tea

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