Lapsang Souchong tea is a black tea known for its woodsmoke taste and aroma. Enjoy a cup of smoky Lapsang Souchong!
Lapsang Souchong Tea is a smoked black tea that originated in Fujian Province in China. More precisely, this tea comes from the Wuyi Mountains. There are two very important tea types coming from this region: Lapsang Souchong Tea and Loose Oolong Tea. The teas from this region are often referred to as Bohea Teas.
Lapsang Souchong Tea is a bracing large-leafed tea that leaves no room for ambivalence! It tastes of woodsmoke and has a tarry pungency (probably owing to the particular soil of Fujian Province where it is grown). This sophisticated tea pours out as a clear bright colour and smells a little like smoked salmon or grilled bacon.
Another great advantage our Lapsang Souchong Tea is that not only is it good on its own, but also it is a crucial component of another very original tea: Russian Caravan Tea! If you are fond of smoky teas, you might like to discover our Russian Caravan Tea, whose taste is very elegant and full of character!
Our Lapsang Souchong tea is best enjoyed without milk.
Chinese Black Tea
China is the cradle of all teas. This country is particularly famous for its green tea, that is definitely the most popular drink in China. However, Chinese Black tea is also quite well known. With the exception that what we call ‘black tea’ in the entire world, the Chinese would call ‘red tea’. This is their name for fermented (oxidised) tea. The preparation technique for fermented tea differs from that of green tea.
Bedford tea will gladly offer you different types of Chinese Black Tea! The most famous ones include Lapsang Souchong Loose Leaf Tea and Pu Erh Tea. Those two tea types are world-famous for different reasons. Pu Erh Tea is renowned for its health benefits, especially aid in weight loss. Lapsang Souchong Loose Leaf Tea, on the other hand, is known for its smoky aroma and slightly tart taste, reminding of woodsmoke.
In addition to those undeniable advantages of Lapsang Souchong tea, it is also very beneficial for your health. Bedford Tea proudly offers you another type of Lapsang Souchong Loose Leaf Tea that might interest all those interested in organic products. It is our Organic Lapsang Souchong Tea.
Finally, should you wish to enjoy a cup of Lapsang Souchong Tea, and avoid the heavy duty of cleaning the teapot afterwards? Then discover our Tea Accessories! They will come in handy here!
Lapsang Souchong Tea
Tea type: Chinese Black Tea
Country: China
Ingredients: Black tea
Brewing guide:
100 °C
3-5 minutes
Francine –
So fragrant!
Gabrielle Tinder –
Not my cup of tea really, but an interesting taste.